Behavior Modification (at your home)
Has your dog been displaying unwanted or aggressive behaviors or being destructive? Reactivity in our dogs is commonly labeled as aggression. However, there is a difference in the what and how they are expressed. Your dogs’ reactivity can provide a good deal of stress in your life and other people interpret it as aggression, so we feel as though we need to explain that our dog is not ‘mean’.
I will help you by assessing if the behavior is reactivity behaviors or aggressive responses, so you will be able to understand your dog much better! I will identify why your dog is behaving in an aggressive or reactive way.
The relationship between canine and owner is a very important component in behavior modification training. Any unwanted behaviors that your dog is exhibiting can be improved through building correct relationships. Regardless of how old or how young your dog may be, change is possible!
Signs that your dog could be a candidate for behavior modification training are resource guarding, food aggression, dog aggression, sibling aggression, leash reactivity, fearfulness, anxiety, excessive barking, being destructive, territorial behavior, male aggression, Growling, lunging, showing of teeth, snapping and biting.
Initial evaluation session (90 to 120 minutes) $250.00
Follow up sessions (60 minutes) $175.00
Training might involve some or all the following:
- Leash Manners to correct lunging and barking.
- Fence and Window Manners to correct rushing barriers.
- Car Manners to correct displays of barking and jumping in the car in parking lots or drive-thru situations.
- Door Manners to teach your dog how to greet guests.
- Separation Anxiety
- Inappropriate Jumping on people
- Demand and Attention Barking – how to have your dog be quiet. Put alert barking on que
- Arousal Control: When dogs excitement levels get so high, they cannot control their responses
Dogs communicate all the time; we (humans) just do not speak dog and dogs do not speak human. Body, heads, ears, legs and tails form their “words”, and they know how to translate this language intuitively. As we work, you will learn how to read the basics of this language.
A mentally balanced dog:
- Can be examined and groomed by the vet and by owners without growling or trying to bite.
- Does not growl, lunge, or shrink away from strangers and/or children.
- Does not patrol windows, doors, car or yard.
- Does not bark at strangers or other dogs.
- Does not growl at or bite people to guard food, toys, or resting spaces.
- Is not afraid of new people, objects, sounds, or smells.
- Lives peacefully with all people and with other animals in the household.
- Can be in a room with other dogs and settle down without the need to interact with the other dogs.
- Can walk down the street and pass another dog and/or person without growling, lunging, and barking.
- Allows guests to enter the house without growling, lunging, and barking.
I can provide several ideas and solutions on how to use training and behavior modification to diminish the severity of the behaviors. Please call me at 770-375-0038 or email me at
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